Phala Network爆火的背后:TEE技术储备充分、被ai16z采用、AI Agent风口正当时
AIPOOL之后,Phala Network为何就爆火?
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.
来源:Coindesk作者:Angela Minster、Eric Stone、Nelson Wang编译:比推BitpushNewsWeb3的真正弄潮儿,必将是那些能够从原...
【GPT】Binance 宣布将于 2025 年 1 月 3 日上线 BIO Protocol (BIO) 代币交易对,引发 DeSci(去中心化科学)领域热潮。BIO Protocol 是一个生物 DAO 网络,专注长寿、女性健康等领域,生态内包含多个 DAO 和知识产权代币(IPT)。消息推动相关代币如 RIF、DRUGS 等大涨,市场对 DeSci 领域的关注度显著提升。BIO 代币未来还将扩展至多链网络并推出新功能。来源于MarsBit专栏作家0xFacai
来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
作者:Stacy Muur,Web3研究员;翻译:金色财经xiaozou我一直非常关注一些最聪明的Web3团队发表的研究报告。他们的文章提供了...
AIPOOL之后,Phala Network为何就爆火?
作者:Stacy Muur,Web3研究员;翻译:金色财经xiaozou我一直非常关注一些最聪明的Web3团队发表的研究报告。他们的文章提供了...
【GPT】以太坊支持者认为,ETH将在2025年成为“逆袭之王”,原因包括AI智能体的崛起、重大网络升级(如Pectra升级)、机构兴趣增加以及美国加密友好监管环境的改善。分析师预计,以太坊将在稳定币、代币化和AI领域保持主导地位,并通过重质押和二层网络的创新推动生态系统发展,价格有望突破历史新高。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Tom Mitchelhill
PumpFun 团队正积极交易低市值代币。
MV Global expects Pump.Science to achieve significant expansion in 2025, with at least 10 projects expected to have a market value of more than $100 million by the end of the year.
The frequent security attacks in 2024 once again remind us that the development of the blockchain industry cannot be separated from the protection of security.
在加密行业,需要常备一套实用的 AI Agent 方法论。